The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) continues the highly successful CCEM conference series which was originally launched in 2012. This year the event is a virtual conference.
Cloud computing has emerged as a dominant and transformational paradigm in information technology over the last few years and is beginning to effect a multitude of industries such as government, finance, telecommunications, education, retail, energy and utilities, and transportation. Research in this field has become very active and spans a number of areas including virtualization, networking, storage, security, management of cloud services, efficient cloud architectures, massive multi-tenancy, and design of cloud applications and services. Cloud computing continues to be the way of the future and many studies indicate that more than 50% of all information technology will be in this new paradigm within the next five to ten years. This transformation has great implications for emerging markets which have the potential to leap frog mature markets in their adoption of cloud computing, combine cloud computing and mobile technologies to introduce unique services that can transform the lives of billions, drive a much larger scale of adoption and challenge existing price points, while presenting unique challenges in areas such as security and user interfaces to cloud computing.
This research driven innovation conference has established itself as a unique conference that combines top notch peer-reviewed research papers (acceptance rate less than 10%), invited talks from renowned industry and government leaders, posters and demos showcasing latest innovations, a startup showcase highlighting the vibrant and fast growing business ecosystem around cloud, tutorials on cutting edge topics, and a doctoral symposium featuring some of the deep research topics being pursued by academic leaders.
The conference will be a two-day event that spans invited talks, peer reviewed paper presentations, tutorials,technology showcase followed by panel discussion.
We invite both paper and demo submissions on relevant topics, including but not limited to:
Deadline for Title and Abstract / Initial Papers Submissions
Deadline for Final Paper Submission
Acceptance Notification
Early Bird Registration
Camera Ready submissions
Deadline for Submission
Acceptance Notification
The 10th IEEE CCEM Conference 2021
Virtual Conference hosted on (Recommended: Google Chrome & a good Internet connection for better experience)
Conference Timings: 08.00 am - 12.30 pm EDT/ 05.00 am - 9.30 am PDT/ 07.00 am - 11.30 pm CST / 02.00 pm - 06.30 pm CEST / 05.30 pm - 10.00 pm IST / / 09.00 pm - 01.30am JST / 08.00 pm - 12.30 am SST / 10.00 pm – 03.30 am AEST
Session I: 08.00 am to 11.00 am EDT |
08.00 AM 08.30 AM EDT |
Welcome, Virtual Lamp Lighting, Overview of 10th CCEM. |
08.30 am 09.00 am EDT |
Inaugural Keynote"Togetherness with Artificial Agents: Can (should) Machines be sensitive at all?"Prof. Dr Elisabeth André, Professor, Computer Science, and Founding Chair of Human-Centered AI at Augsburg University, Germany |
09.00 AM 10.00 AM EDT |
Tutorial 1
10.00 AM 11.00 AM EDT |
Full Research Papers
11.00 am 11.15 am EDT |
Session II: 11.15 am to 12.30 pm EDT |
11.15 am to 11.45 am EDT: |
KeynoteCutting the cold start out of FaaS Workflows and leveraging SmartNICs for the real "edge" computing,- Prof. Umesh Bellur, Professor, Department of Computer Science, IIT Bombay, India (08.45 pm to 09.15 pm IST) |
11.45 am to 12.15 pm EDT |
Session I: 08.00 am to 11.00 am EDT |
08.00 am 08.30 am EDT |
KeynoteSociety 5.0: Its Aim and Construction of Future Smart City,Prof. Teruo Higashino, Professor and Dean, Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan, ( 09.00 pm to 09.30 pm JST) |
08.30 am 09.30 am EDT: |
Tutorial 2
09.30 am 10.30 am EDT |
Full Research Papers Presentations (Presenters: 7.30pm- 8.30pm IST)
10.30 am 10.50 am EDT |
Short Paper (Presenters: USA – EDT zone)
10.50 am 11.05 am EDT |
Session II: 11.05 am to 12.30 pm EDT |
11.05 am 11.45 pm EDT |
Short Paper (Presenters: Indians – 8.35pm – 9.55pm IST
11.45 am 12.00 pm EDT |
Research Scholar Symposium(Presenters: 9.15pm – 9.30pm IST) – 15 minutes
12.00 pm 12.20 pm EDT |
Two Presentations of Student Project Showcase (11.00 am - 11.10 am CDT, 6.10 pm – 6.20 pm CEST) Each 8+2 minutes
12.20 pm- 12.30 pm EDT Concluding Remarks for Day 2. |
Session I: 08.00 am to 11.00 am EDT |
08.00 am 08.30 am EDT |
KeynoteAI for Code: Transforming Application Modernization to Hybrid Cloud,Maja Vuković, IBM Fellow, IBM, USA |
08.30 am 08.50 am EDT |
Two Presentations of Student Project Showcase ( 9.30 pm - 9.50 pm JST) Each 8+2 minutes
08.50 am 09.30 am EDT |
Four Presentations of TechnoBiz Plan Showcase (6.20 pm – 7.00 pm IST) Each 8+2 minutes
10.00 am 11.00 am EDT |
Tutorial 3
11.00 am 11.15 am EDT |
Session II: 11.15 am to 12.30 pm EDT |
11.15 am 12.15 pm EDT |
Tutorial 4
12.15 pm to 12.30 pm EDT Concluding Remarks for Day 3. |
Session I 08.00 am to 11.00 am EDT |
08.00 am 09.00 am EDT |
Tutorial 5Distributed Cloud and a Culture of SRE,Andrew Haschka, APAC Head of Application Modernization, Google Cloud, Australia (11.00 pm to 12.00 pm AEST) |
09.00 am 09.30 am EDT |
09.30 am 10.00 am EDT |
Six Presentations of Student Project Showcase (11.00 pm - 11:10 pm
JST & 07.10 pm to 08.00 pm IST) Each 8+2 Minutes
10.30 am 11.30 am EDT |
Tutorial 6
11.30 am 11.45 am EDT |
Session II: 11.45 am to 12.45 pm EDT |
11.45 am 12.30 pm EDT |
Panel DiscussionLeveraging AI for Impact in the ongoing Pandemic ,Panelists
Moderator:Dr. TS Mohan, CEO, Pragyan DataLabs Pvt Ltd. India. |
12.30 pm to 12.45 pm EDT Awards and Conference Closing Ceremony. |
Computer Science and Founding Chair of Human-Centered AI, Augsburg University, Germany.
Elisabeth André is a full professor(W3) of Computer Science and Founding Chair of Human-Centered AI at Augsburg University in Germany with a long track record in multimodal human-machine interaction, embodied conversational agents, social robotics, affective computing and social signal processing.
She has won many awards including the distinguished Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (aka German Nobel Prize). She is a member of the prestigious Academy of Europe, and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and CHI Academy.
She was awarded a EurAI fellowship and was recently named one of the 10 most influential figures in the history of AI in Germany and has been serving as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and as a co-speaker of the Bavarian Research Association For DigitHealth.
Professor, Department of Computer Science, IIT Bombay
Prof. Umesh Bellur is a faculty in the department of CSE at IIT Bombay and is presently heading the department. His research interests lie in distributed systems and systems computing with a focus on cloud data centers.
Presently he is investigating the impact of SmartNICs and NVM on the system stack. DBLP
Professor and Dean of Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan
Teruo Higashino is a Professor and Dean of Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan. He is also a Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan.
He has been studying about algorithms, software and design methodologies concerning with localization/behavior estimation of pedestrians/crowds, development of ultra-low power consumption IoT devices, CPS research for future smart and connected communities, IT technology for disaster mitigation, and so on. From 2018, he has been serving on the PI of Society 5.0 Project of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.
Society 5.0 is a motto of Japanese Government for constructing future super smart societies, and our project aims to contribute to life-design innovation through research and development. He was a Member of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) from 2014 to 2020, and a Vice President of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) from 2016 to 2018. He is a Fellow of IPSJ, and a Senior Member of IEEE.
IBM Fellow, IBM, USA.
Maja Vuković is an IBM Fellow, responsible for technical and research strategy for AI driven Application Modernization. Maja's research interests are in applying AI to IT processes, enterprise crowdsourcing and AI planning. Maja is a member of IBM Academy of Technology and an IBM Master Inventor, with over 155 patents granted. Maja is the author of over 100 publications. She is a Senior Member of IEEE, and was awarded Women in Services Computing Award by IEEE Services. Maja received her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, for her work on context-aware service composition using AI planning.
Technology Lab Fellow, Accenture Labs, Bengaluru.
Vikrant is an Accenture Technology Lab Fellow and the Application Engineering R&D group lead at Accenture Labs. He leads strategic R&D programs to conceptualize and build the next generation of software engineering practices and tools required for Sustainability, Cloud, Human Centered Software, Robotics, and other emerging areas. He has published over 50 papers in premier academic research conferences and filed over 50 invention disclosures and patents.
In his career spanning 20+ years, Vikrant has played leadership roles in technology consulting and innovation, been an entrepreneur, and served as an Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Center for Information Technology. His work has spanned several technology areas – Software engineering, Digital, Enterprise collaboration, P2P and decentralized systems, and Mobility.
Vikrant has a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications, and a Masters’ degree in Software Systems. He serves the research community as a program committee member / organizing committee member for workshops at conferences such as ISSRE, ICSE, ASE, and occasionally, a reviewer for journals like IEEE Software. He is passionate reader, a ‘Google-enabled’ home cook and loves long distance drives with his family.
CTO, Terraview, Zürich, Switzerland
Dr. Piyush Harsh, an ACM senior member, is the co-founder and group CTO of Terraview, a technology startup company helping vineyards and wineries globally deal with effects of climate change. Having 18+ years of experience in computing, Piyush has been deeply involved with research and innovation in virtualization, cloud computing and distributed systems in general. In the past, Piyush has done extensive work in network and computer security, network protocol design, privacy preservation using Noam Chomsky mix firewalls, and modern telecommunication sub-systems.
Piyush has led several European teams working in multiple large European Commission funded research consortiums developing solutions for federated cloud systems, orchestration, datacenter automation, virtualization of telco-stacks and large scale test infrastructures.
Piyush has founded two other companies in the past, providing usage driven accounting and billing solution for large cloud and datacenter operators.
An alumnus of IIT Roorkee and University of Florida, having worked in the United States, France and Switzerland, with renowned R&D centers such as INRIA, Zurich University of Applied Sciences in the past, Piyush brings a global perspective in Computer Science research in complex distributed systems.
Director-AI, Google, USA
Dr. Ashwin Ram is Director of AI in the Office of the CTO for Google Cloud. He focuses on bringing Google AI to the world through deep personalized engagement with the leadership of top companies to reimagine their businesses by leveraging the power of AI. He also works with Google’s AI teams to drive new technologies and capabilities that address customer needs. Ashwin is a distinguished AI researcher, technologist, and entrepreneur.
Prior to Google, Ashwin was Senior Manager of AI Science for Amazon Alexa. He led cross-functional R&D initiatives to create advanced Conversational AI technologies for intelligent agents, including the university-facing Alexa Prize competition.
Before that, Ashwin managed the Interactive Intelligence research area at Xerox PARC, creating PARC’s Digital Health program and leading a team to invent new behavior change technologies to help people adopt healthier lifestyles. He was a professor in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech and director of the Cognitive Computing Lab, and is now an adjunct professor there. He has co-founded multiple startups, including OpenStudy (acquired by Brainly), an online social learning network, and Enkia (acquired by Sentiment360), which developed AI software for social media applications. Ashwin specializes in connecting science, technology, product and business. He received his PhD from Yale University in 1989, his MS from University of Illinois in 1984, and his BTech from IIT Delhi in 1982. He has published 2 books and over 100 scientific articles in international forums. He is an experienced public speaker and has given several keynotes, distinguished lectures, and a TED talk. He is a closet anthropologist and loves travel, people and culture.
twitter: @ashwinram
wikipediaAI Ranger, Microsoft, Singapore
Computer Vision for Spatial Analysis for the Pandemic World
Setu Chokshi is a senior technical leader, innovator and specialist in machine learning and artificial intelligence. He is currently working with Microsoft as an AI Ranger with the key responsibility to help customers successfully implement AI within their organization.
He has occurred organically as technical triumphs have led to greater opportunities. Setu feels that he has been fortunate to have worked with industry behemoths—General Electric and Nielsen.
Senior Engineer and IBM Quantum Distinguished Ambassador, IBM, India
“Quantum Computing: what, why, how, where and what next?”
Shesha Raghunathan joined IBM in 2011 as part of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Timing analysis development team. He has worked on various aspect of analysis including noise, timing abstraction and reporting. Currently his focus is primarily on EDA 3.0 (analytics in EDA) and is leading timing triage efforts. Since 2018 he has additional responsibility of being an IBM Quantum Ambassador, now a Distinguished Ambassador + Technical Ambassador, and is Asia-Pacific Geo Lead for the program. Shesha got his PhD in Electrical Engineering (Quantum Computing) from University of Southern California, LA in 2010.
APAC Technology Practice Lead - Application Modernisation
Andrew Haschka is the APAC Technology Practice Lead for Application Modernization at Google, leading the team responsible for delivering on the Modern Applications vision with Kubernetes, Anthos and Apigee.
Andrew brings more than 20 years of experience in the software, infrastructure and services industries to his role at Google; with leadership roles at VMware, Downer, IBM, Thomson Reuters and Optus.
Twitter: @andrewhaschka
Principal Data Scientist , Infinite Sum Modelling , Founder NeuroAI . WiDS Mysuru Ambassador
Deep Dive in to Question Answering using MultiLingual NLP Models for Indian Languages
Usha is world’s first women double Kaggle Grandmaster and she is ranked as top ten Data Scientists in India for the year 2020 by Analytics India Magazine , ranked as top ten women data scientists by Analytics Insight magazine for 2021 and also ranked as top 150 AI Leaders and Influencers by 3AI magazine . She is also the adjunct faculty for online masters program in Data Science at IIT Madras and visiting faculty for masters program at Symbiosis Pune
She is serving as editorial board member for international journals dealing with advance study and research work.She has been in CFP review committee for some of the prestigious conferences including ODSC India 2019 , PyCon India (2020 and 2021) and many more .She serves as advisory board member for research labs in educational institutions(CAIRE - Centre for AI research and education) and multiple startups. She is an invited speaker at many corporates like Societe Generale (Data Guild week), IBM , eBay, Wells Fargo , EXL , SAP and many more.
She organised NeuroAI which is India’s first-ever research symposium in the interface of Neuroscience and Data Science. She also organized the Neurodiversity India Summit which is India’s first ever conference in Neurodiversity .She has spoken at various conferences like ODSC, Pycon India, Indo Data Week, and GHCI. She has prepared the curriculum for BITS Pilani’s masters in Data Science program (consumed by 20,000+ students ) and Upgrad’s PGP program in DS(consumed by 10,000+ students).
CEO & FOUNDER Metagogy Learning Systems Pvt Ltd Cybermotion Technologies Pvt Ltd (Director)
35 years R&D in engineering fields such as DSP, sensors, control systems, IoT, simulation software, Machine Learning , AI 25+ years interaction with technical colleges Core competency in AI based product development.
35 years R&D in engineering fields such as DSP, sensors, control systems, IoT, simulation software, Machine Learning , AI 25+ years interaction with technical colleges Core competency in AI based product development.
Deputy General Manager – Products & Services, Yotta Infrastructure
Sandeep has over 28 years of experience in ITES & Digital Media Technology. Over the years, he has successfully deployed few OTT platforms, online encoding and streaming projects and more than a dozen online education platforms with over 1000+ virtual classrooms across India.
At Yotta, Sandeep has launched some breakthrough products like High-Performance Compute as a Service, GPU powered Virtual Pro Workstations, Work From Anywhere, Endpoint Backup as a Service, and Intelligent Video Analytics platform.
This highly focused IEEE CCEM-2021 is targeted at potential participants planning to submit their research papers, techno-business plan showcase (with VC Elevator pitch Competition) or student-project-showcase (with proof-of-concepts competition). We encourage proposal submissions for innovative cloud-based-systems in the world of BigData, AI, ML/DL & IoT that address emerging market problems as well as solutions from it for the World. The conference participants, if selected based on their submission, get an opportunity to present their ideas and obtain professional feedback as well as mentoring in an encouraging and nurturing environment. Certificates and cash awards will be given for the three most innovative proposals submitted across these three areas viz., (1) Research-paper (2) Student- Project Showcase and (3) Technobiz-plan Showcase, while the Research Students Thesis Mini-Symposium presenters and the Tutorials Speakers would be recognized with Certificates.
This year the event is a virtual conference.IEEE CCEM Research Papers 8 Pages Max |
IEEE CCEM Research Student Thesis Proposals Mini Symposium 3 Pages Max |
IEEE CCEM Tutorial Proposals 1 Page only |
Title (One Line only) & Author Names with, Email Ids & Company/College Name & URL | Title (One Line only) & Author Names with, Email Ids & Company/College Name & URL | Title (One Line only) & Author Names with, Email Ids & Company/College Name & URL |
Abstract: 100 words / Two Paragraphs | Synopsis – 100 Words / Two Paragraphs | Abstract -100 Words / Two Paragraphs |
Introduction | Research Claims | What is in scope & what is not in scope |
Related Work | Related Work | Related Work |
Theoretical Framework | Theoretical Framework | Demo Overview |
Architecture, Design & Modeling | Architecture, Design & Modeling | Audience Takeaways |
Experimentations & Data Analysis with discussions | Experimentations & Data Analysis with discussions | Target Audience – who they are & what are the prerequisites |
Conclusions & Validation of Claims | Conclusions & Validation of Claims | Presenters Biodata |
References cited | References cited | References cited |
We invite Research papers submissions on all topics relevant to Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets as listed above. Papers should typically include a clear description of the problem being addressed, overview of and comparison to related work, the theoretical framework/model proposed by the authors, experimentation details and the experimental results, and conclusions. Papers will be reviewed by an international program committee which will ensure that only high-quality papers with originality and novelty are accepted for presentation in the conference.
The Papers can be eitherThe short paper track also provides authors to present good engineering work or negative results that will otherwise not qualify to meet the stringent guidelines of a full research paper.
Please submit your Technical Research Papers, via Easychair for CCEM 2021 EasyChair
Please follow the paper/proposal template mandatorily as mentioned in the above template. The selected full and short research papers will be published as part of the conference proceedings which can be indexed through IEEE Xplore. The conference will publicly announce the following awards.
The TechnoBizPlan-Showcase session at CCEM enables start-up companies, established companies, professionals,Students (from Management/Engineering/Non-Engineering Schools or Colleges), and faculties to demonstrate their cutting-edge capabilities and ideas in the field of cloud computing which can be incubated into product and/or service offerings. The CCEM Conference has showcased innovative technologies in previous years as well and these sessions have been very interactive with the conference audience that has also included reputed venture capitalists. TechnoBizPlan proposals should typically include:
Please follow the paper/proposal template mandatorily as given in the website. The top two submissions will have an opportunity to present an elevator pitch before the conference participants. The reviewed and accepted proposals will get an opportunity to present their ideas to the Review Committee which would be drawn from Academia, Industry and Venture Capitalists. The best pitch will win the "10th IEEE CCEM 2021 TechnoBizPlan Competition Award". A short but substantial 3 page write-up as per template above of the accepted TechnoBiz plans will be published to be part of the "10th IEEE CCEM 2021 Conference Proceedings-B", and will be published on our website.
The Student-Project-Showcase offers an opportunity for under-graduate and graduate students to do more constructive academic projects to analyze how cloud computing can be leveraged to assuage problems of emerging markets. Reviewed and accepted proposals will have a dedicated space for presentations and demonstrations. The CCEM Conference has showcased innovative technologies implemented by students in their projects in previous years as well and these sessions have been very interactive with the conference audience. The submission paper should have at least one Professor/Mentor from their college/university, who would have guided them, and should typically include the following:
Please your Student Project Showcase Proposals via Easychair for CCEM 2021 EasyChair
Please your Thesis Proposals for Mini-Symposium: via Easychair for CCEM 2021 EasyChair
Please submit your Tutorials via Easychair for CCEM 2021 EasyChair
Deadline for Title and Abstract / Initial Papers Submissions
Deadline for Final Paper Submission
Acceptance Notification
Early Bird Registration
Camera Ready submissions
Deadline for Submission
Acceptance Notification
The 10th IEEE CCEM Conference 2021
EVENT NAME | Award Title | Winner Name | Affiliation | Title Of The Paper |
CCEM 2021 Pre Award Workshop | First Prize in Early Stage Research Paper Track |
Harshith Belagur Saketh Reddy Bathini Jitendra P Radha Krishna |
National Institute of Technology, Warangal | Multiheaded Hirearical Encoder Decorer for Analyzing Multimodal Conversations |
First Prize and Joint Winners in Early Stage TechnoBizPlan Showcase Proposal |
Archana Muralidharan Harsh Nurthy Poorvaja MS Dr. Shekhar Babu |
Amrita University, Bengaluru |
IOT Based automated water conservation system in urban areas
![]() |
First Prize and Joint Winners in Early Stage TechnoBizPlan Showcase Proposal |
Rahul Chenny Shashidhar Sastry |
IBM India Pvt. Ltd | Affordable Service Management for Multicloud | |
First Prize in the Early stage Students Project Showcase proposal |
Dushyanta Shukla Hitesh N Bharath G S |
BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru | Road Accident Alert and Mitigation | |
First Prize in the Early stage Students Project Showcase proposal |
Denish Goklani Rishav Raj Srinivasa H Sanidhya Jain Harish Naik |
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jain (Deemed-to-be University), Bengaluru |
STML (Sketch to Mark-up Language)
![]() |
CCEM 2020 Main event | IEEE TCSVC Best Student Paper Award |
Srinivasa Rao Kundeti Mohammed Afzal Ansari Ahmed Sanin Mv Sumit Sharma Jeevan Cr |
Philips Research Philips Healthcare IISc, Bangalore IIT, Allahabad |
Sub-Object Data Augmentation And Custom Loss Functions for Automated Anatomical Landmarks Localisation
in 3D Brain MR Images
Abstract |
The Best Short Research Paper | Pranav Gupta Manish Gupta |
DPS International Saket IBM India Pvt. Ltd |
Managing Congregations of People by Predicting Likelihood of a Person being Infected by a Contagious
Disease like the COVID Virus
Abstract |
The Best Short Research Paper | Priyanka Gayam Sai Manohar Inabattini |
Vmware Nutanix |
Workload Volatility Management in Datacenters and Cloud
Abstract |
The TechnoBizPlan Showcase- First Prize | Abhishek Pandey Mathew Rajan Vaidyanathan |
Personal Air Quality Systems Ltd, Bengaluru | Leveraging technologies for precision advisories and enhanced health outcomes for problems arising out of Air Pollution | |
The TechnoBizPlan Showcase- Second Prize | Parimi Mastan Rao Sai Vinitha Goli |
AMRITA Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru | AI-Based Assistance to Shrimp Farmers | |
First Prize in the Student Project Showcase Proposal | Takamasa Iijima Takayuki Kushida |
Tokyo University of Technology, Japan |
Unified RequestID assignment on microservices | |
Second Prize in the Student Project Showcase Proposal | Aditi Ahuja Mugdha Pattnaik |
PES University, Bangalore |
Extending YCSB-JSON for OLAP: Benchmarking Couchbase Analytics |
Dr. Gopal Pingali is World leader in Cloud, AI, and Automation technologies. Drives digital transformation and innovation at scale for global enterprises across multiple industries. Achieved billion-dollar revenues working with some of the largest companies in the world. Inspiring technology leader known for building and sustaining deeply talented “go-getter” teams of consultants, architects, and engineers spanning the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia
Gopal worked extensively in the US and India and built several global technical organizations with an entrepreneurial spirit. He was previously Global Vice President at IBM for Cloud Transformation and Global Technology Services Labs (GTS Labs). Prior to that he was a Research Leader at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center and at AT&T Bell Labs. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Gopal pioneered innovations in many areas including Multicloud Management, Cognitive Automation, Continuous Security, Mobile Web, Electronic Chronicles, Real-time Video Tracking Systems, Smart Interactive Spaces, Visual Information Systems for Sports, Autonomous Vehicles, and Nanotechnology. His current passion is to build the world’s leading digital platform and the most vibrant global community for sustainable development
Dr. Mohan holds a Masters and PhD in computer science from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore where he worked as a faculty-scientist for about a decade before moving into the industry. He was a young visiting scientist in the Lab for Computer Science, MIT in 1988 and a visiting scientist in NEC Research Institute, Princeton in the summer of 1994. After leaving IISc, he worked for a number of companies including HP. He pursued his entrepreneurial interests in Bangalore in advanced enterprise software systems for about 7 years before joining Infosys. After a five year stint at Infosys, Dr Mohan founded Pragyan Datalabs focused on BigData algorithms and Analytics in Bengaluru
Dharanipragada Janakiram did his Ph.D from IIT Delhi and is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India, where he heads and coordinates the research activities of the Distributed and Object Systems Lab.
Dr. Krishnan is an IBM Distinguished Engineer and CTO of IBM’s Hybrid Cloud Center of Excellence, a world-wide team of client-facing solution architects. Krishnan was appointed IBM Master Inventor in recognition of his contributions to intellectual property. He has authored a popular book on embedded Linux and several publications on cloud computing, network protocols and embedded system design
Raj Tumuluri is the principal of Openstream USA and is a coauthor of several multimodal interaction standards at the worldwide web consortium (w3c) and his articles & book chapters were published in ACM & other reputed publications. His current area of research focuses on improving user experience leveraging context in multimodal interaction using machine learning.
Dr. Sanjay Chitnis is serving as Dean, Computer Science dept at REVA University. Previously he was associated with DSU, and took care of the Innovation Labs at Dayananda Sagar University where it has partnership with more than 10 industries to provide skill enhancement courses in latest technologies as well as facilities for research and startups. His areas of interest are Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is a passionate teacher, with 31 years of all-round leadership level experience in IT industry as well as academics and research. During his career in industry, he managed projects such as Messaging Subsystem of IRIDIUM, the satellite based communication system in Motorola. Later at LG Soft India, he was responsible for the development of a new generation web Based platform for LG Smart devices. After this, he worked as Principal at the CMR Institute of technology, Bangalore.
Dr. K V Subramaniam has over 15 years of experience in both the software and semiconductor industries. Prior to joining PES University, he served as CTO of Indiverein. His areas of interest are in performance aspects of computing aspects. His experience spans various companies like Novell, Andiamo, Cisco, HP and AMD. He received his Masters and Doctoral degrees from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Rambabu Parvatina (Ram) is an IBM Distinguished Engineer - one of the highest company’s technical honors. Ram is a recognized technical leader for his deep technical expertise in cloud computing, leadership and innovation. Ram has played a lead role in solutioning and winning high-value hybrid cloud engagements that made a huge business impact. He built the Hybrid Cloud Orchestration and Automation practice in Cloud Center of Excellence, a global team that engages with hundreds of clients every year. Ram is currently the Chief Technologist for Cloud Content Factory that drives building and deploying of Cloud Automation solutions for IBM clients. He wears another hat as Cloud Solutioning leader in Service Integration Hub, IBM Singapore and is responsible for reviewing and guiding of hybrid cloud solutions in AP & MEA regions. Ram excels in creating first-of-a-kind solutions, generating reusable assets from them, and aligning them with reference architectures.
Dr. Subrahmanya Sarma (Subbu)is a Principal Consultant and (Certified Project Management Professional) with 19 years of experience in Software development. Subbu is having expertise in various domains covering Machine Learning, Identity & Access Management, Identity Federation, PKI and Cryptography. Subbu has 10 years of project and people management experience and one year of presales experience of proposing IDAM, IGA and PAM solutions to various customers across the globe.
Sridhar Chitraju is a Program Director at IBM GTS Labs. In his current role as a Hybrid Cloud CoE leader, he is leading cloud architects supporting several IBM GTS Multi-cloud and Hybrid Cloud clients across the globe (in APAC, MEA, Europe and North America) Prior to his current role, he has managed a global team of architects and developers for an IBM’s flagship cloud offering - IBM Cloud Managed Services. He has worked with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for more than a decade, before joining IBM in 2007. At TCS, he has worked in diverse areas - Global Delivery Strategy, managing Large Client Engagements, leading Practice Areas/Competencies, Delivery Center Program Management Office, Strategic Planning for North America Sales Operations and handling of multi-million dollar full software life-cycle Application Development, Offering/Product development, Maintenance and Support projects
Sridhar obtained his master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay and he also did an Executive Management Program from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore. His passions include building high performance teams and enabling cloud based innovations that help in transforming the businesses worldwide and societies we live in.
IoT Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Startup Mentor, Startup Co-Founder. A Seasoned Software Professional with deep expertise in building scalable software solutions to solve a whole gamut of business problems ranging from software solutions for IOT / low level devices to enterprise platforms. In-depth experience building product and technology consulting business across multiple geographies including India and USA
Dr. Shekar Babu is the Founding Head of AMRITA School of Business, Bangalore. He started AMRITA School of Business, Bangalore in 2007 in collaboration with SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA. Mr. Shekar worked as Director, Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, CA, USA for 11 years and 5 years as a Management Consultant at Price Waterhouse, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Mr. Shekar Babu is also an advisor and on board for a few start-up companies in India. Mr. Shekar Babu is also the Principal Investigator (PI) in developing and implementing CSR Projects since 2006. The 5 CSR projects termed as “Village Resource Centers (VRCs)” were implemented in 5 remote locations of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, in collaboration with Microsoft, HP, CTS, CISCO and ISRO. The projects were focused on Education, Healthcare and Agriculture. The results of these projects were presented in a paper “Enabling Rural Transformation through VRCs” at the International Conference “LifeSkills 2010” which was specifically appreciated by then President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Dr. P.V. Indiresan.
Dr. Prakash Raghavendra completed his MTech(CS&E) from IIT Madras in 1994 and PhD from the Department of CSA, IISc, in the areas of Parallelizing Compilers in 1998. Dr. Prakash has worked the areas of Operating Systems for Hewlett-Packard in Bangalore from 1998 to 2007. He has worked in Adobe Systems between 2007 and 2009 in the areas of Flex IDE.
Between 2009 and June 2012, Dr. Prakash has worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology, NITK Surathkal. He guided three research students and several MTech/BTech students. He was awarded “IBM Faculty Award” and “Intel Parallelism Content Award” in 2010. Dr. Prakash is currently working as Architect in AMD, Bangalore, in the area of server applications including DNN for AMD platforms. Dr. Prakash has several Intl Conference and Journal papers and two patents to his credit.
Dr.Mydhili K Nair is currently working as a Professor in MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology. She has a mixed bag of 8 years Industrial Experience and 14 years of Academic Experience. In the IT Industry she has adorned various roles ranging from Technical Lead to Project Manager in different companies such as Wipro, Hexaware, Asset Corporate Education Partner to IBM and Mahendra Comviva. In Academia she has been working in MSRIT since 2004. Her research interest includes Distributed Computing and Data Science. She has won the prestigious IBM Faculty Award in the year 2011 for her collaborative research association with IBM. She is also in the editorial panel of referred journals & has been a member of the organizing committee, session chair for many annual symposiums, conferences, Women In Engineering (WiE) forums such as Grace Hopper Conference, IEEE ANTS WiE track etc. She is also the faculty mentor for Google Developer Student Club of MSRIT. She & her students have won many project competitions & best paper awards at State & National level, including Smart India Hackathon for two successive years (2018 and 2019). She is passionate about teaching and mentoring student projects, some of which have actual end-users. Noteworthy among them is a suite of three products that have been developed for the blind students under her mentorship, which is being successfully incorporated into the curriculum of a blind school in Yelahanka, Bangalore.
Mohan Parthasarathy is a Distinguished Technologist in the High Performance Computing and Mission Critical Servers business unit (HPC/MCS) of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). He is the system architect for the Superdome2 and Superdome X platforms, and is based in Bangalore, India. His primary focus currently is on Operating System and Platform/Firmware aspects of scale-up Integrity and x86 servers. He has over 20 years of industry experience, and has worked on multiple areas of operating systems, including networking protocol stacks, drivers, core kernel and virtualization. Mohan did his Masters in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and is a co-inventor of 5 US patents.
Rajesh is the Chief Technical Officer of NxtGen and he has 30+ years of accomplished experience in Information Technology, Infrastructure / Cloud, Application/DevOps Operations and Engineering IT Services. A diversified background in large data centers, IT Infrastructure Operations, Engineering IT, Regulatory & Compliances, Payment Systems, Applications & Release Services and is a certified ISO27K lead auditor and Project management professional
Rajesh has rich blend of knowledge of domains such as Manufacturing, FMCG, BFSI and Core IT/MSP Services and Technology industries. His career spans over three decades catering to solution engineering, customer services, SaaS / IaaS & Site Reliability services for large US multinationals, Indian offshore centers and has run 24x7 operations for high volume transaction businesses. He has played major role in IT leadership in Coca-Cola, Oracle, NetApp, Yodlee (Finapps), Altimetrik before joining NxtGen. Rajesh is well versed with technology landscape in the areas of IT infrastructure, Cloud computing, emerging technologies such as AI/BI and Data Engineering and Open source systems. on personal front he is a social activist, poet and photographer and loves long drives.
Dr. Rajath Vasudevamurthy is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at B. M. S. College of Engineering, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru since January 2019. Previously he served at the Bengaluru campus of Amrita University. Dr. Rajath obtained his B. E. from R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru and did his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru under the guidance of Prof. Bharadwaj Amrutur. He was a visiting researcher at KTH, Stockholm and a post-doctoral researcher at the Pennsylvania State University. His interests include VLSI Circuits and Systems and likes to pursue India studies in his leisure
Proven leadership credentials with 20 + years of experience, across SDLC phases. Highly experienced in instilling & sustaining a high-performance culture, across teams & individuals. First-class experience in product release aspects, agile development & large-sized team handling. Managed & delivered 40-odd releases overall
Working as the chief architect and vice-president in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) division of Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd. Bangalore. My previous stints are in IBM global Cloud center of Excellence (CoE), Wipro consulting services (WCS), and Robert Bosch Corporate Research (CR). In total, I have gained more than 20 years of IT industry experience and 8 years of research experience. Finished the CSIR-sponsored PhD degree at Anna University, Chennai and continued with the UGC-sponsored postdoctoral research in the Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Thereafter, I was granted a couple of international research fellowships (JSPS and JST) to work as a research scientist for 3.5 years in two leading Japanese universities. Published more than 40 research papers in peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE, ACM, Springer-Verlag, Inderscience, etc. Have authored and edited 30 books thus far and contributed 35 book chapters thus far for various technology books edited by international professors
Focusing on some of the emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Streaming Analytics, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Cloud-native computing, Edge AI, Serverless Computing, Microservices architecture (MSA), Event-driven Architecture (EDA), etc. More details can be found at Maintain an IT Information Portal at and The GitHub Page
Abhishek Kumar has a Doctorate in computer science from University of Madras and done in Computer Sci. & Engineering from Government engineering college Ajmer, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota India. He has total Academic teaching experience of more than 8 years with more than 80 publications in reputed, peer reviewed National and International Journals, books & Conferences. His research area includes- Artificial intelligence, Image processing, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Machine Learning. He has been Session chair and keynote Speaker of many International conferences, webinars in India and Abroad. He has been the reviewer for IEEE and Inderscience Journal. He has authored/Co-Authored 6 books published internationally and edited 16 books (Published & ongoing with Elsevier, Wiley, IGI GLOBAL Springer, Apple Academic Press, De-Grueter and CRC etc. He has been member of various National and International professional societies in the field of engineering & research like Senior Member of IEEE , IAENG (International Association of Engineers), Associate Member of IRED (Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors), He has got Sir CV Raman National award for 2018 in young researcher and faculty Category from IJRP Group.He is Editor of Special issue in the Journal Computer materials and continua [SCI and SCOPUS.IF- 4.98] and Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing [SCI, SCOPUS, IF-1.276] Cognitive Neurodynamics, Springer [SCI, SCOPUS, IF-3.925]
07.45 AM 08.45 AM |
Breakfast |
09.00 AM 10.30 AM |
Welcome, Inaugural Lamp Lighting, 8th IEEE CCEM Report &
Inaugural Keynote Fireside Chat on
10.30 AM 10.45 AM |
Tea |
10.45 AM 11.45 PM |
Research Paper Track Presentations – Session1: Cloud Data Centers
11.45 AM 12.15 PM |
Invited Keynote"Applying ML at scale for New User Experiences: Samsung Bixby Voice Assistant"- Dr Vikram Vij, SVP, Samsung R&D |
12.15 PM 12.30 PM |
IEEE Talk"On IEEE India Activities & the CCEM Conference"– Harish Mysore, IEEE India |
12.30 PM 01.00 PM |
Poster Paper Lightning talks - 3 Minutes pitch to the Conference Audience.
01.00 PM 02.00 PM |
Lunch (With poster presentation display visits by the Audience) |
02.00 PM 03.30 PM |
Research Paper Track Presentations - Session 2: HealthCare
03.30 PM 03.45 PM |
Tea |
03.45 PM 05.15 PM |
Two 90 Minute Lightning Tutorials in Parallel
05.15 PM 05.30 PM |
Tea |
05.30 PM 06.00 PM |
Student Project Showcase Inaugural KeynoteTopic: “Innovating in Undergrad Engineering Projects”- Prof Sajal K Das, Missouri University |
06.00 PM 06.30 PM |
Top six Student Project showcase Proof-of-Concept
presentations (3 min each) &
06.30 PM 07.30 PM |
Student Project Showcase (At respective tables) |
07.30 PM |
Dinner |
07.45 AM 08.45 AM |
Breakfast |
09.00 AM 09.30 AM |
Research Students Symposium |
09.30 AM 11.00 AM |
Research Short Paper Track Presentations - Two parallel tracks - 15 min eachTrack 1 Cloud, AI and Data Center
Track 2 Analytics, Applications and Security
11.00 AM 11:15 AM |
Tea |
11:15 AM 11:45 AM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: “Cloud at the Edge-of-Things, now what is that?”- Dr S Ramanathan, Intel |
11:45 AM PM 12:15 PM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: “Research Areas in AI & Cloud”- Dr Gargi Dasgupta, Director, IBM India Research Labs |
12:15 PM 12:45 PM |
Invited KeynoteTopic: "Jio" experience of using Kubernetes at scale- Mayank Kapoor Reliance |
12:45 PM 01:45 PM |
Lunch |
01:45 PM 03:15 PM |
Panel DiscussionTopic: “Should CS&AI be mandatory for ALL Undergraduate studies as well as in Industry Reskilling?”PanelistsDinesh SD - SamsungR&D , Raj Tumuluri - OpenStreamSreekrishnan V - IBM , Dr Sanjay Chitnis - DSU Dr KV Subramaniam - PES , Rajesh Dangi - NxtGen Dr. N Bussa - Philips Panel Moderator:Dr T S Mohan |
03:15 PM 03:30 PM |
Tea |
03:30 PM 05:00 PM |
Two 90 Minute
Lightning Tutorials in Parallel TracksTrack 1: Cloud and Crowdsourcing Based Approaches to Environmental Monitoring.- Sahithi Pingali, Stanford UniversityTrack 2: Building a Hosted AI Platform for Developer Insights,- Avishkar Gupta and Mitesh Patel, Red Hat |
05:00 PM 05:15 PM |
Tea |
05:15 PM 05:45 PM |
TechnoBizPlan Showcase Inaugural Keynote"What VCs look for in a TechnoBizPlan"- Rahul Chandra, Founder & Managing Director, Helion Ventures |
05:45 PM 06:15 PM |
Three Top TechnoBizPlan Showcase presentations to Startup-Experts (3 min each) & Prizes Announcement |
06:15 PM 07:15 PM |
TechnoBizPlan Showcases (At respective tables) |
07:15 PM 07:45 PM |
Closure Ceremonies including announcement of Best Paper award etc |
07:45 PM Onward |
Dinner |
As a Patron, you will be showing your support for advancing cloud computing technology and helping to address the unique challenges and opportunities of cloud computing in emerging markets. You have the opportunity to enjoy extraordinary visibility with our conference audience, build powerful relationships and benchmark your company strategy against key industry players within India and internationally.
Patrons will be prominently recognized both at the events (workshop and main conference) and on the CCEM website.
CCEM 2018 provides a limited number of Patronship opportunities as outlined in the table below. Interested Patrons should contact the Industry Liaisons Chair for the conference – Sri Chandra at
Corporate Patronage for Virtual Event - Categories | Diamond | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Techno-Biz Plans Patron | Tutorial Sessions Patron | Student Project Showcase Patron | Professional Mentors Patron | Best Paper Awards Patron | Title Sponsor | Goodies & Credits | Additional Remarks |
Amount in $ | $6000 | $4000 | $3000 | $2000 | $1000 | $1000 | $500 | $500 | $500 | $500 | Certificates/ Various Incentives | - |
Number of Patronage Slots in each category | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 15 | 3 | 1 | 15 | - |
Number of Complimentary Full Conference registrations | 40 | 25 | 15 | 10 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | - |
Company Logo placed on conference website with link |
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Prominent backdrop identifying company as a Patron during the virtual session |
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Virtual exhibition space, including live or prerecorded presentations live Q&A sessions |
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Marketing material placed in “Virtual Event Bag” -a digital delivery sent to all registrants that can include your assets such as PDFs, videos, web pages, etc. |
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Special Mentioning of Patron by the Chair during welcome address |
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Speaking Slot in the Conference |
The Organisation can nominate Eminent Speaker in the areas of Multi-Cloud, AI, Cognitive and Analytics, to be reviewed by the Steering Committee | |||||||||
Special Roundtable with the Conference Steering Committee |
The sponsor would be part of Special Roundtable with the Conference Steering Committee to further drive synergies between the sponsor's goals and the conference goals in this year's and future years' conferences |